Mom and Dad
Hello-- how are you? all is good here in zhong he--it is a great new area with tonz of people waiting to be baptised-- right now we are working with a man named lu he is solid-- he has been completely taught the lessons and is ready to be baptised-- he thinks he needs more faith before he is baptised-- he will be coming to a baptism this saterday and i think that will help him a bunch -- baptisms are allways very good and help people alot.
another man we are working with is zheng . he is also very good. he has only been taught the 1 lesson-- then they lost contact with him cause he is very busy but we got in touch with him the other day and he is part way trough 2nd nephi and is praying every day. we just have to find a hole in his schedual so we can meet with him.
this area is great but is very different from my others.
My companion and i are good-- he is in his 5th trasfer-- the same age as elder taylor-- we get along fine considering we are completly different- he is amazingly smart and just spent his life in a text book -- i didnt do that as much. he is struggeling with the language alot so hopefully i can help him with that.
we have spent alot of time just looking for some others to teach-- president has asked us all to have 3 people in our baptisim pool and we are sittin at 1 . finding a family would be nice.
That is sad about bryan- Mom you wrote a very good little talk for his funeral-- i didnt know about how he came into the family.-- the family pic i show people on the street has him in it so alot of asian people know who he is.
thankyou for the little artical on preisthood dad-- i enjoyed it. It is true we have to use our authority to what god wants us to. or its not really using gods power on earth it is just faking it.
Dad- What is your Favorite scripture? Just curious but please answer the question-- You to Mom
Well thank for everthing-- i love you guys i hope all goes well with bryans stuff-- Love Elder Langford