this is xu yu hong
really cool kid about 15- has muscular distrophy in his legs but has a solid testamony
baptised this last saturday
how are ya all!! we are good here-- this past week was really good- we fund some really good people that hopefully will start progressing-- one of the fun things about taiwan is tracking-- most building have a guard and little electronic keys to get in buildings--- iv never seen a guard do anything except for sit in his office all day and do noting-- and we have to pay em like 2000 a month but anyway--- we have to track the building cause their are good nice people inside who want to here our message.
Missionaries are the only reson i think the guards are here in taiwan-- cause they only come after us-- we usually start by riding down the car ramp to the under ground parking lot-- rinning up the stars and stash our bikes about the 5rth floor then run to the top and switch elevator shafts so we have more time-- the usually know we are in the building and start riding the elevators uup and down every shaft-- but the just start at the bottom and go up and we can always see what floor the elevator is on so pretty easy to avoid it-- once we get into a house we are save cause we have friends in the building and that is how we get in in the future.
some times you will get a really fun guard who will walk up every set of stairs to find you-- if your in a house your save but that is the only way the have got us-- we usually then try to teach the guard but they are always old guys who are stuck in the false traditions of their fathers.
then if we finsh a building we usually ride out the front gate right past the guard station- thank him and take off. Its fun way of tracking.
The other day we got into a 12 story building with 5 shafts and 4 houses per shaft-- it was big and the guards never saw us go in. we found a lin family there-- really nice family so we are going to go back and visit them. she loves to pray and her boys all have intrest in english class.
It could be a way good family.
yeasterday we met with a daniel Gao really nice guy-- first impression was we was gay but it turn out he is ok-- he is a proffesional make up artist and a painter-- really good guy and has intrest in church caue he loves the art in church- like all the paintings and stuff. HE also said that he has always prayed every evening and for his food-- no one has ever taught him how to pray but he just has also felt like he should-- way cool we are excited to help him learn more.
Brother xu had a great baptism the other day. he has some solid friends at church and loves to go. we talked to his mom the other day, and she was just like-- i dont care if he gets baptised-- i trust in my gods and he can trust in your gods.
hope you are having a great trip with the huggins-- hey what is happening with rocky mountian griddle??-- umm next time anything gets sent out i need some deoderent-- they dont sell it in taiwan-- well the do but it is really small and very expencive--no one here uses it.
I love doing tim tam slams
Thank ya a ton--- i love you all -Elder Langford