This past week was pretty good we got qinged chied alot
(givin alot of food)-- that was really bad chinglish- on day we had a family home evening at the bishops house another day we did a family home evening for a part member family and they gave us pizza-- the lesson was way good- the husband who isnt the member loves base ball-- everyday he goes and hits balls -so we did a lesson on how baseball and the gospel relate. each base to ran to eaither by faith, baptism, temple covenets and then enduring to the end with home plate being eternal life-- he liked it alot. then we went and hit base balls-- wow it has been years since i hit baseballs at cherry hills but i didnt do to bad. The taiwan people are all really good to us so we are thankfull.
The other day it was raining bad and we were walking down the street- this guy rolled down his window and asked what we were doing in the rain-- it was more like a waterfall -- like one huge bucket of rain coming down. We told him we were sharing a special message about christ -so he got out of his car and we ran into the nearest stor where we taught him and set him up- he is aboriganal taiwanies preety cool guy- we talked about christ first church and then the apostasy and how they were all changed then went into restoration where he told us about the great need of a restoration cause everything was corupted. I like when the investigator does the teaching-- we set him up and were going to meet with him yesterday but his car got stollen and he was at the police station all day- so later this week we will find him.
on the way to the bishops house to get pizza we had a few extra min. so we trackted a little-- first house we come to is a cool guy named lin- Lin has been having alot of stress latley with afmily and work and wants to know how the gospel can help him- we are going back to his place later this week also-- we are mostly trying to find some new people to work with and get progressing-- last night we had a great lesson with xu yu hongs sister xu li wei we went through the secong lesson and she loved it Anyway thats what we have done-- oh-- we come home last nightand we had a huge spider in our bathroom sink-- massive-- bigger then the one i had and a pet when i was a kid-- we got the raid and the camera ready and went in to get it but it had dissapered-- then we were scared- we had no idea where it was. it had ran under the sink-- we got him out and the raid did a pretty good job with it.
- Anyway-- got to run-- Elder Langford