Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jul 22, 2007 6:09 PM

Hey Hey Hey-- Im in taiwan!!!

Today is monday About 7:30 in the mourning we are about im thinkin it is about 4 30 on sunday at home.-- thats kinda weird to think about--
any way plane ride was grand the flight to taiwan was long--- slept about an hour so not that long but it was fun.

we arrived at the mission home about 12 here and went right to bed-- the next morning we started orentation-- we had a good breakfast full of cool fruits that i have never had befor and throughout orentation we went over being heathly in taiwan and just stuff-- had an interview with the Pres.-- he is a real nice guy him and his wife-- that evening we went to the grand hotel and a little below were the island was dedicated for mission work-- we each went and said a little prayer of dedication for ourselfs to the mission it was fun.

That evening we were going to go out with some other elders on splits for our first run-- i got lucky-- my companion was elder mortonson from camp!! it was fun to see him and spend the evening with him-- we rode around the city visiting people -- man the traffic is crazy-- but it was fun -- no one really follows any traffic laws-- i dont even know if they have any-- we tracked a little and went back to the church were we taught the first lesson so an investigator-- i taught a little on each princable--- mostly i just beared testamony--- it was fun-- i would ask a question and becasue i couldent understand anything bryan would help me with his response-- well at the end of the lesson-- i i did understand this part-- bryan invited him to be baptised- he accepted and set a date with him-- it was real fun-- even though i couldent understand most of it i felt the spirit and i know the investigator did also.
so hey-- i think that is a good example set for my by bryan--- get em baptised!! after words we went to a members house and sang a song with them and prayed we ate some really good fruit and some other stuff that i just ate-- dont really know what it was-- looked kinda like frog eggs to me and had the texture i would think they would have--- i dont know- dont to shabby.

So monday today is p- day but it will usually be on wed. so a week and a half till the next one--

so they next day we got our companions and headed to our areas-- my companion is from west point- he lives on 300 north on the way to scotts house--- his name is elder marble 801-773-3536 awesome elder he played foot ball at clearfield-- he graduated a year befor me-- iv spent the past couple days in a three sum until the rest of the transfers were made. his old companion was elder brown- he left this mourning he couldent tell me how much he loved elder marbel-- he said he was very obedient and loved the work-- worked solid and never went short on anything--- from what i can see he is just that-- solid-- we get along great its real fun to be with em-- no his breath doesent stink--
so we were sent to the best part of the mission--- to get here we took a 30 min. plane ride and a 3 hour train its called tai dong - you can look it up under google earth with this spelling- taitung- its a small city compared to up north-- church yesterday was fun-- i got up in front of the ward-- about 100 members and bore my testamony and all the members said they could understand it. so thats good! i didnt get much out of church but i felt the spirit--- it wasent to big of a shock with the language-- i knew i wouldent be able to understand--- i pick out words here and there but ill get better.
Our apt. is real nice i even have my own bathroom-- there is a sitting area and a room where we have our desks- another with our beds and stuff-- its super. havent used a public toilet yet-- ill try to stay away-- dont really have to go much because we sweet so much-- im always wet-- just drenched i just have to get used to it--- im wetter before a shower then in the shower- might as well not even dry off.
iv stayed clear of the betel nut babes but the stuff is nasty it looks like a mouth full of blood- but it isent-- bad stuff- umm smells it stinks and then it dosent-- mabey im getting used to it-- traffic is not as bad at all down here but we are stilll carefull--
so i have been usung this older bike for a couple days and today we are going to grab my new one- i paid for it the other day its a nice one and one of the cheapest-- same one as my comps. they had to get it from somewhere else so it took a coupel days-- and we get to paint it too!! That will be fun!!
when we go contacting we just ride around and stop people its fun-- i can talk but usually cant understand so i just talk and pray they feel the truth of it--- on saterday night we had a baptism of some of the other elders in our district we have 2 sisters and 2 other elders in the ward-- the baptism was great
they lessons we have taught have been grand the spirit was their and they went really well-- so during oerntation i was going to call you but they never got to it. i love you all i have to go the time is up happy birthday dad i love you so much-- you have been a great example to me all through my live i love you all!!-- Elder Langford

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